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Please call us : 0333 998 8899 or mail us on or chat with us, we apologise for any inconvenience caused.As you might well imagine, given its fortunate location at the tip of Southern Spain, Gibraltar enjoys a warm, Mediterranean / subtropical climate ideal for the sun-starved British holidaymaker. With long, hot summers and mild winters, you would have to be very unlucky to experience any cold or prolonged rainfall during your stay. Gibraltar experiences two prevailing winds - the Levante from North Africa brings hot, humid air and the Poniente blows in from the Atlantic west bringing colder air.The average high temperature in August is 25°C only falling to about 14°C in January/ February.Rainfall occurs mainly in the winter months.
The Rock whilst not large in area also has micro climates, it may be misty and brooding on one side of the Rock whilst the other side is enjoying warm Mediterranean sunshine.
Gibraltar average seasonal temperatures °C